It’s taken me many years to finally understand what my purpose is in this lifetime and what had I agreed to help humanity with, in this my last reincarnation on this earth plain, but finally!!!! it’s slotted into place. This is partly due to understanding and playing an important role in the midst of this great awakening time. Thank goodness I hear my guide’s sigh!
Many of you will already be aware that we are fighting a silent spiritual war between good and evil and thankfully daily more people are becoming aware of this fact and realising exactly what is and has been taking place in this reality. The light has won but it will take many years still to fully heal the people when they uncover what evil atrocities and lies that we have been fed, taught and have been carried out in this matrix.
My mission in this lifetime is to help heal people and guide them through all the darkness into the higher vibrations of light and love of the new higher dimensional world. So, I specialise in removing entities and attachments caused by these dark astral parasites who feed off of fear and negativity. These are becoming more common in clients when they are going through their own healing journey (especially prone to being targeted are lightworkers). With my help, I assist them to emerge from this, leave the matrix behind and start vibrating at a higher frequency of love in the new Age of Aquarius.